Why Blog about the Mass

This blog is a labor of love. This past New Year, 2011, I wanted to do something that would last, really last, and be a gift to my kids, and be something of value to my Faith. Finally, I wanted something that would strengthen my Faith.

I thought about what I loved about my Faith – being Catholic. I thought about what I wanted to pass to my kids about being Catholic. Then I thought about church. Every week, going to church. I admit, being very candid, I do see it many times as a chore. Something I must do as part of my faith.

Another admission, I am just a regular guy – nothing special – an imperfect person. But I was given the gift of children. Children change your perspective.

Long ago after my first was born and then two more boys – I wanted and want them to attend church every week. Which means I would have to. Of course during the years, we have not done that EVERY week – but I think I can say we have attended somewhat regularly. Of course I would hear, “do we have to goooo, Dad?” in that whiny voice. And I understand where they are coming from.

Many years ago I told my kids when approaching Church – look at going as the one hour when you have NO demands upon your life, you are given a one hour gift of time to reflect on your week. If you want to pray during that time, do it. But approach that one hour as your time to breathe and reflect and plan. I think they have bought into that. That is part of what going to Mass is to me, today.

I love Mass, I love the different parts of Mass. Sure, you can have a boring Priest – but it’s your time to bond with God in a house that is shared with Him and the community. You know what the expectations are up front.

Having been in a lot of churches due to a lot of moving around, a constant that has grounded me is that I can attend a Catholic Mass anywhere and I know what to expect. I get the same experience but yet, it is different and new every time I step into a new church! I love it!

This is one of the experiences I love about being Catholic. And I want to pass this experience on to my kids and everyone I can touch. So on 1/1/11 – I decided to document my experiences in different Catholic churches and give my opinion on that experience. This is purely my opinion but again, it is a labor of love. I want to visit and document as many Churches and their Mass on Sunday as possible.

NOTE: I am not writing this blog to convince anyone to go to Church or the religious merits of Mass.  This is purely my opinion.  I do not have the credentials or schooling to preach to others.  However, I do take very seriously being a Father and grounding my own kids in what I believe and why.

As my kids grow older, I cannot force them to stay Catholic or go to Mass. Certainly, there is a lot of bad press about Priests, there are a lot of folks who have gotten down on being Catholic. I have even met those who bash Catholics and who bashed being Catholic. I understand them. I don’t disagree with many of their points. I even agree with some of the points.

But I also know, you have to put a stake in the ground and stand for what you believe in, not to convince others, but so that you are happy with your own choices. Otherwise you spend a long time in a very short life looking for that which makes you happy. And many never find it. I cannot have choosing my religion be like looking for that new diet. There are a lot of fads. Which do you pick and when.

Bash the Pope – guess what – I don’t always agree with the President and his politics and stances – BUT I am an American and NOTHING is going to make me waver on what that means to me. Same with being Catholic – I don’t always agree with the Pope – or with the Catholic religion’s stance on issues, but I buy into the core tenants of the Faith.

I have found being Catholic has worked for me. It has grounded me. God has spoken to me through so many different people.

I am not perfect and many many times I am not right. I love ALL religions. There are many beautiful Churches of different Christan faiths, Mosques, and Synagogues in this world. And beautiful, spiritual people who belong to these and others. I cannot do it all. I have to focus.

Homilies are a big thing for me. This is when God touches us personally through the Priest at Church. It is the dynamic part of Mass. The part of mass that is not predictable. It is the part of Mass I most look forward to because the message should touch my life.  I want to be impacted.

Unfortunately, most Priests are not good with this. This is sad to me, a lost opportunity. I am writing a book on Homilies I want to hear and experience. I will share this with you sometime this year. It will be a work of fiction yet grounded in the Catholic experience. Stay Tuned for that.

In closing, I hope you get something out of what I write. I hope that people of other Faith read this and want to communicate with me (see contact page).  Maybe you see a Church here that you want to attend. Maybe you will go to Church more regularly with a different perspective. I would love it if that is a consequence of what I write.

Please support churches of any Faith – Spirituality is a core part of our being. As Bono eloquently said in a concert I attended several years ago, we are all children of Abraham.

We’ll be talking again soon.


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